Developing the app

Setting up a development environment for the blocker tracking app is pretty easy but different from installing the app in a production environment

Fedora Packages

The instructions here will use virtualenv so that there are no potential conflicts with system libs. At a bare minimum, you will need: * python-virtualenv * libcurl-devel * libxml2-devel * libxslt-devel

If you plan on developing against a database other than sqlite, you will need to have that installed and configured, similarly to the production install documentation NEED LINK TO PRODUCTION DOCS HERE

Using Virtualenv

Create a new virtualenv in the base of the source tree:

virtualenv --distribute env_blockerbugs

In order to install python packages into the virtualenv or use the packages inside the virtualenv, it must be activated:

source env_blockerbugs/bin/activate

Installing prereqs with pip

To get all of the python packages into the virtualenv, use pip inside the virtualenv (ie. activate the virtualenv first):

pip install kitchen paver
pip install -r requirements.txt

There are some odd dependencies in the requirements that distutils doesn’t always figure out so you may need to run the install command more than once.

Configuring initial dev environment

To generate an initial config for a sqlite database, use the following command:

python generate_config -d 'sqlite:////path/to/code/blockerbugs_db.sqlite'

The configuration file will be generated in the conf/ directory. While you would copy this config file to /etc/blockerbugs in a production system, for a development installation, just leave it in the conf/ directory.

Although the configuration file has now been generated, the database still requires initial initialization:

python init_db

Initial Internal Configuration

There are some internal variables in the db which are wise to set before attempting to run a sync. These are easily set using the script:

python add_user -u 'admin' -p 'adminadminadmin'
python add_release -n 19
python add_milestone -n 19 -r alpha -b 834084 -a 834085

This will add an admin user, a F19 release and an alpha phase using 834084 and 834085 as blocker and FE tracking bugs, respectively.

Running initial sync

To do an initial sync, simply run the following command:

DEV='true' python

Migrating data using alembic

To install alembic, use (inside the virtualenv):

pip install alembic

To upgrade database to the most recent revision, use:

alembic upgrade head

To downgrade database back to the beginning, use:

alembic downgrade base

To upgrade database to a specific revision, use:

alembic upgrade 42d71a06dd50

To create a revision, use:

alembic revision -m "Create a table"

This will create a file called, e.g., in alembic/versions. The file contains upgrade and downgrade methods that need to be adjusted to reflect desired migration.

To create an auto-generated revision, use:

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Create a table"

Building Project CSS

The CSS used is compiled from SASS using Compass. While the rendered CSS is in the git tree, do not make changes to those files if you expect them to be persistent because they are only there for convenience.

The Zurb Foundation front end framework is used as a base for a grid, among other UI elements. It will also need to be installed on the development system in order to compile the source SASS files.

Installing Tools

The following packages are needed:

sudo yum install rubygem-compass rubygem-sass

Once compass is installed, grab the Zurb Foundation gem:

sudo gem install zurb-foundation

Building CSS

From the root of the git tree, run:

compass compile

You can also have compass watch the scss files for changes and rebuild every time a change is detected:

compass watch